
Testosterone Enanthate 300


Testosterone Enanthate is an androgen and anabolic steroid (AAS) medication which is used mainly in the treatment of low testosterone levels in men.It is also used in hormone therapy for transgender men. It is given by injection into muscle usually once every one to four weeks.


Testosterone enanthate, otherwise called testosterone heptanoate, is an anabolic and androgenic steroid (AAS) drug used to treat low testosterone levels. Anabolic medications work by building muscle, while androgen alludes to an improvement in the sexual attributes ordinarily connected with men.

Testosterone enanthate utilized in operations since the 1950s has been marketed under various brand names, including Androfil, Andropository, Cernos, Delatestryl, Depandro, Durathate, Everone, Sustrone, Testanon, Testanova, Testrin, Testostroval, Testoviron, and Testro.As a Schedule III medication, Testosterone Enanthate is just accessible by solution.

Signs for use

Testosterone enanthate is delegated AAS since it is both a manufactured testosterone subsidiary and a testosterone prodrug, implying that it animates the body to create testosterone itself. In any case, it has more strong androgenic impacts and just moderate anabolic impacts.

The medication is reasonable for testosterone substitution treatment (TRT) in cisgender men with hypogonadism (diminished testosterone creation in the balls). Reasons for hypogonadism incorporate testicular injury, disease, and malignant growth.

Radiation and chemotherapy can likewise cause hypogonadism, just as inborn conditions like Klinefelter’s disorder and infections of the nerve center and pituitary organ (the two of which animate testosterone production).Testosterone levels in Cis men can frequently drop strongly after the age of 50, prompting a condition of andropause in which essentialness and sexual longing are debilitated. More seasoned cis men with andropause manifestations (counting weakness and low charisma) regularly advantage from TRT.

Testosterone enanthate can likewise be utilized for chemical treatment in transsexual men, for the therapy of deferred youthfulness in cisgender young men, and for the therapy of unresectable metastatic bosom disease (progressed bosom malignancy) in postmenopausal individuals.5

The medication is additionally in some cases questionably utilized as an enemy of maturing treatment in more seasoned cis-men.


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