
Primobol 100


For Intramuscular Injection
Composition: Methenolone Enanthate
Dosage: 100 mg/1 mL
Unit: 10 mL Multidose Vial
Manufactured by British Dragon Pharmaceuticals


Primobolan is an exceptionally one of a kind steroid that is accessible both orally and by infusion. There are different steroids that have similar properties as Winstrol, however Primobolan is extraordinary in that the ester is distinctive in the two variants. Primobolan isn’t the best steroid out there, however it has an anabolic to androgenic proportion of 88:50 +/ – and a half-existence of 10-15 days. With these proportions, you will see that this medication is an exceptionally viable anabolic and anticatabolic specialist. Primobolan is an extremely protected steroid, and reports that it very well may be effectively added to chemical substitution treatment throughout the entire year, this is obviously dose subordinate. Primobolan was utilized restoratively to treat bosom disease/cancers, so we can securely say that no estrogen or aromatase inhibitor is required with this steroid. So in this note, the properties of this medication accentuated that there is no aromatization, so hypertension ought not be an issue, liver poisonousness is extremely low, clients don’t as a rule experience water maintenance and this medication is alright for ladies. One more sure part of this medication is that cholesterol, HDL, and LDL levels are accounted for unaltered during treatment with Primobolan. As far as wellbeing, on the grounds that Primobolan is a non-17 alpha-alkylated steroid, it loses quite a bit of its power when taken orally. Clients typically don’t encounter water maintenance and this medication is alright for ladies. One more sure part of this medication is that cholesterol, HDL, and LDL levels are accounted for unaltered during treatment with Primobolan. As far as security, on the grounds that Primobolan is a non-17 alpha-alkylated steroid, it loses quite a bit of its intensity when taken orally. Clients ordinarily don’t encounter water maintenance and this medication is alright for ladies. One more certain part of this medication is that cholesterol, HDL, and LDL levels are accounted for unaltered during treatment with Primobolan. As far as security, in light of the fact that Primobolan is a non-17 alpha-alkylated steroid, it loses a lot of its power when taken orally.

The length of the cycle and the dosage rely upon the form you purchase. Since Methenolone Enathate contains a long ester, it is suggested that you cycle this steroid for no less than 12 weeks. You can truly begin to feel the full impacts of this medication after around 5 or a month and a half when your muscle siphons and hardness are accounted for. Primobolan ought to be utilized at least 600 mg each week in men at a limit of 1000 mg +; this is the point at which you truly begin to feel the full impacts of the medication. For financial plan clients, this isn’t a medication for you. The explanation a great many people despise this steroid is that they just don’t take doses adequately long, however in the event that you at any point made an ideal steroid, that would be it.

Cycle and Dosage

Primobolan additionally has an extremely constructive outcome on nitrogen aggregation and is consequently exceptionally successful in both cutting and filling cycles. For ladies, an agreeable week by week dose would be around 100/150 mg. For those individuals who can purchase both acetic acid derivation and enanthate ester, I suggest the oral adaptation since it is not difficult to balance out blood chemical levels with more limited esters. You likewise don’t need to delay until this medication begins to work and the cycle time can be abbreviated. Recollect that the higher the dose of this medication, the more profound the impacts. Furthermore, this is valid for all prescriptions, the higher the dose, the more noteworthy the shot at conceivable incidental effects like male example hairlessness, animosity, slick skin, skin break out, facial and body hair development, prostate expansion, to give some examples.


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