
Test C 200


Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient: Testosterone Cypionate
Pack:10ml vial x 200 mg/ml


Testosterone was the primary combined anabolic steroid and testosterone cypionate is a sluggish acting, long-acting, oil-based injectable testosterone compound that is ordinarily endorsed for the treatment of hypogonadism – low testosterone levels and different indications in men.

Testosterone cypionate first showed up on the US doctor prescribed medication market in the mid 1950s, like Upjohn’s, presently Pharmacia and Upjohn’s Depo Testosterone. Since testosterone cypionate is basically the same as the recently delivered and somewhat longer testosterone enanthate, it has restricted accessibility worldwide and is regularly recognized as a US drug.

Testosterone is the body’s essential androgen. Endogenous testosterone is incorporated in cells of the testis, ovary and adrenal cortex. Remedially, testosterone is utilized to treat either intrinsic or obtained hypogonadism. Testosterone is likewise the best exogenous androgen in the palliative therapy of bosom malignancy in postmenopausal ladies. Testosterone was being used in 1938 and supported by the FDA in 1939. Anabolic steroids, testosterone subsidiaries, have been utilized unlawfully and are presently controlled substances. Testosterone, in the same way as other anabolic steroids, was delegated a controlled substance in 1991. Testosterone is managed parenterally in standard and supported delivery (warehouse) dosage structures. In September 1995, the FDA supported the principal testosterone (Androderm) transdermal patches; numerous transdermal structures and brands are currently accessible, including inserts, gels, and effective arrangements. The buccal testosterone framework, Striant, was endorsed by the FDA in July 2003; the framework is a mucoadhesive item that holds fast to the oral mucosa and guarantees a controlled and persistent arrival of testosterone. In May 2014, the FDA endorsed an intranasal gel planning (Natesto). Exploration is in progress on a transdermal fix (Intrinsa) for chemical substitution treatment in ladies; day by day doses utilized in ladies are a lot of lower than items utilized in men. The FDA chose to defer endorsement of the testosterone fix for Intrinsa ladies in late 2004 and has requested more data about its wellbeing, especially in cardiovascular illness and bosom health.

Testosterone Cypionate Ester

Cypionate Ester: Esters are any class of natural mixtures that respond with water to shape alcohols and natural or inorganic acids. Most esters are gotten from carboxylic acids and injectable testosterone is regularly managed in blend with at least one esters. By adding a carbon chain (ester) to the testosterone particle, it controls its solvency once in the circulation system. The more modest the carbon chain, the more limited the ester and the more dissolvable the medication is. Low/Short has a more limited half-life – a rehashing cycle of medication time in the body. The inverse is valid for long carbon chains, for example, cypionate, which both gradually assault the body and empty the body at a similar rate.

Who ought not utilize this medication? Youngsters ought not take testosterone except if educated to do as such by their primary care physician. Your health care supplier has to know whether you have any of the accompanying conditions: bosom malignant growth; trouble breathing while at the same time resting; diabetes mellitus; coronary illness; if your female accomplice is pregnant or attempting to become pregnant; kidney sickness; liver infection; lung illness; prostate disease, broadening; uncommon or hypersensitive responses to testosterone or different items; being pregnant or attempting to become pregnant; nursing. Your health care supplier ought to do ordinary blood tests while you are taking testosterone. Most games associations have restricted the utilization of this medication in sports.

Who ought not utilize this medication? Kids ought not take testosterone except if taught to do as such by their PCP. Your health care supplier has to know whether you have any of the accompanying conditions: bosom malignancy; trouble breathing while at the same time dozing; diabetes mellitus; coronary illness; if your female accomplice is pregnant or attempting to become pregnant; kidney infection; liver sickness; lung infection; prostate disease, growth; uncommon or hypersensitive responses to testosterone or different items; being pregnant or attempting to become pregnant; nursing. Your health care supplier ought to do normal blood tests while you are taking testosterone. Most games associations have restricted the utilization of this medication in competitors.


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