Reasons Why You’re Not Seeing Results from Your Exercise

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Do you practice but don’t see results?

Are you worried that all the work and effort you put into your body will not stand out? Worried because you’ve been training for a few months and still can’t see results? Don’t worry, many beginner exerciseers also have this problem. Training and caring for the body is a marathon, not a sprint. Plus, it’s something you learn slowly and grow as you progress. There may be a few steps or lessons you may not have learned yet. Here are 12 possible reasons why you may not see the changes you want.

  1. Reformat your expectations

First, you need to be realistic about the expectations you have set for yourself. Everyone’s body is different, and not everyone gets torn abdominal muscles within a few months of exercise. Training and a really healthy change (whether it’s losing weight or gaining muscle mass) takes time. There is no quick fix here, so don’t wait for it.

Also, remember not to compare yourself to others. Whether it’s the superheroes you see in the movies or the bodybuilders you see in the gym or fitness classes, their bodies are their own. They are not yours!

2. Work for consistency

Then you want to work according to the consistency with which you practice and practice. Make sure you stick to it. This, on the other hand, is not about rapid change in the body. Exercise and fitness should be a healthy life and its continuation for the rest of your life on earth. In this case, you need to find consistency in your exercise routine. This doesn’t mean you should practice your life every day or stick to the same schedule, but it does mean you need to make sure you exercise regularly.

3. Give it all!

With this, you want to be fully committed to the sport. When deciding what to pursue and live healthier, stick to that idea. Give it all when you practice. Don’t skip ten minutes of 20 minutes of running because you’re too tired. Give it all.

Of course, this doesn’t mean you should be 100% “on” all the time. If you feel like you’re collapsing (in a bad way), breathe for a moment. Take a moment to jog. This way, you will not harm yourself irreparably or ruin your form and thus waste your time. You can keep a slow pace as long as you are still determined to move.

4. Balance your workouts

In addition, you want to make sure you balance your exercise types. Don’t miss the day. Don’t avoid your abdominal muscles just because you think crunches are painful. Gain a full body experience by balancing your workouts.

5. Your rest breaks are too long

As explained above, you need to give your all to exercise. This means you know how often and for how long you rest. Rest is good. BUT you don’t want to make the exercise useless by resting too long every time you try to improve your fitness. Make sure you don’t rest for 3 minutes and then practice for 2 minutes. Keep it consistent, remember?

6. Change your routine

Does something work with your routine? Replace it! This is different from ensuring a balanced workout. By this we mean that sometimes you can be so focused on doing body weight exercises that you lose the opportunity to lift some of them. Or maybe you should make a heart. Change your workout types with your routine to keep things fresh. This prevents the effect of the plateau.

7. Find a teacher

If you feel that not everything you do will help you get the results you need, it may be time to look for a professional. Find a fitness program or instructor near you to learn. Join a class and get professional advice that can take you to the next level.

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