
Testosterone Cypionate


  1. Testosterone cypionate comes only in the form of an injectable solution given into your muscle. You can give this medication to yourself at home after your doctor shows you how.
  2. Testosterone cypionate is used to treat symptoms of hypogonadism in males. In this condition, males don’t produce enough of the sex hormone testosterone.


Testosterone cypionate is a physician recommended drug. It is an answer for infusion that is surrendered to a muscle. Testosterone cypionate is a self-infusing drug. You can give this medication to yourself at home once your primary care physician has disclosed how to do it.

Testosterone cypionate is accessible under the brand name Depo-Testosterone. It is additionally accessible as a nonexclusive medication. Conventional medications ordinarily cost not exactly a brand name. At times, they may not be accessible in all strengths or organizations under the brand name.

Testosterone Cypionate is a controlled substance. This implies that it is controlled by the public authority.

For what reason is it utilized?

Testosterone Cypionate is utilized to treat the indications of hypogonadism in men. In this condition, men don’t deliver enough of the sex chemical testosterone.

Low testosterone levels in men can prompt emotional episodes, helpless focus, erectile brokenness (trouble getting or keeping an erection), and low sex drive. It can likewise prompt impeded penile and testicular development, gynecomastia (bosom development), hair and muscle misfortune, weakness and osteoporosis.

There are two kinds of hypogonadism: essential and hypogonadotropic. This medication can be utilized to treat both.

Essential hypogonadism happens when the balls can’t create sufficient testosterone.

Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism happens when portions of the mind (nerve center or pituitary organ) are harmed by the balls to create testosterone.

How can it work

Testosterone cypionate has a place with a class of prescriptions called androgens. A medication bunch is a gathering of medications that work similarly. These medications are frequently used to treat comparative conditions.

Testosterone Cypionate attempts to treat male hypogonadism by supplanting testosterone, which your body can’t create.


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